October 13 2009 - Photo Jottings

October 13 2009


Is it October already?  I’m behind a little, and got carried away as usual and spent way too much time on the Super-wide zoom comparison page, which compares the following lenses; Sony CZ 16-35mm, Minolta AF 17-35mm F/3.5 G, and the Konica Minolta AF 17-35mm F/2.8-4. I used the A900 full frame camera exclusively, since these lenses are more appropriate for that format.

If  you’re in the market for a super-wide zoom for your Sony camera, you’ll definitely want to check out the review, because it may save you a boat-load of money!  Note; lovers of Minolta G glass may not want to view this page.

Since the Sony 16-35mm is slightly wider than the other two lenses, it was at a disadvantage when comparing the center and corner crops.  I used the Sony at 16mm as a normal person would, instead of trying to turn it to the exact same focal length (17mm) to perfectly match the KM and Minolta G coverage, that’s not practical, or useful when comparing these lenses in this review in my opinion.  This disadvantage doesn’t hurt the Sony at all.

I’ve updated the reviews of each lens to reflect the differences that were found by direct comparison.

click for review
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