I whipped up another quick review, go here to see it. This time it concerns a few optical differences between the Sony DT 30mm macro lens, and the Sony 28mm F/2.8. Below is a picture illustrating the coverage areas of both lenses, the red outline is the 30mm. If you’re thinking of using the DT 30mm F/2.8 macro as a prime lens, you’ll want to check out the sample crops here, and see if it meets your needs and expectations as compared to the 28mm F/2.8.
On another note; I’ve been shaking down the Sony 16mm Fish-eye lens for the last couple of weeks. It isn’t very exciting, but I’m going to do it because I have the opportunity. This is an oddball lens designed with built-in filters for film use, way back in the day. Now you can replicate what this lens does in standard photo imaging software. I should have the review done by December.