So says the box of the iconic Crapsey designed Kodak Brownie Hawkeye. I reviewed this camera about 8 years ago on the old site, and it still gets quite a few reads after all these years. The little Hawkeyes are a lot of fun, and very simple to use; look through the viewfinder, and press the shutter button!! Go to the review to see how to get the best out of the Kodak Brownie Hawkeye. I’ve also covered how to take them apart for cleaning and fixing any problems; this is about as simple as a camera gets. They’re pretty inexpensive on ebay; get one for about $5-15 plus shipping.
Although not really a ‘re-post’ to this site, I did freshen it up by formatting the article properly, adding a couple more large images, making some corrections based on additional use, and added some links for the camera, and 620 film, which is making a comeback!