March 6 2007 - Photo Jottings

March 6 2007


Nikon upgrades the D40 and it becomes the D40x.  The big change is the new 10mp sensor and ISO down to 100 instead of 200, owners of the D40 will know this is no big deal.  As one of those owners, I know the difference between 6mp and
10mp and it is noticeable, but not by very much; check it out yourself here.  Scroll down to the studio shots near the bottom of the review and view the boring pictures.  Feel free to print them out from the full resolution files.  At 8″x10″ you won’t be able to tell, at 13″x19″ some people won’t be able to tell.  I’ve been using my D40 for over 3 months and the more I use it the more I like it.  It takes the best pictures right out of the camera by far and has excellent high ISO noise reduction, something you probably won’t be getting with the extra D40x megapixels.  Having bought the Konica Minolta 5D and then upgrading to the Sony A100, I can say for the extra money (for most people) it probably isn’t worth it. The D40x will ship in April for $799 with kit lens.  Specifications here.