June 18 2008 - Photo Jottings

June 18 2008


New for the Nav bar is the “Sony lens chart” page.  I’ve listed every Sony lens made, and the two tele-converters, complete with links to that review (if available) all to makes things more convenient for you.  This is a good place to visit if you want to check the specs for a lens, or to find out what comes with the lens and any other pertinent information.  This is also a good place to get more accurate specs than the Sony website, which is often wrong.  I may add more information, or maybe another column or two in the future.  Currently, I think I’ve got enough things listed for a quick check, which is what the page is meant for.  On the link, you’ll find a table 1200 pixels wide with 17
columns chock full of useful data.  If you have a wide-screen monitor, the entire page should fit in view if it’s set to max resolution.

click for lens chart page.

Up next is the Sony 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6 review.