July 20 2010 - Photo Jottings

July 20 2010


Thanks to all of you that spent time taking my survey.  I’ll post the results later this week.  I received so many written comments it’ll take me a couple of days to read them all.  I realize I forgot a couple of interesting lenses to include, like the Sigma 50mm F/1.4 HSM, and new Sigma 85mm F/1.4 etc.

I now have a couple of new toys from B&H Photo.  I’ll be doing a complete review of the two new lenses, and a comparison review between the e-mount 18-55mm and the (alpha mount) kit 18-55mm lenses.  I’m not going to do a regular review of the cameras, as there are very good reviews out there already.  However, I will be doing some comparisons with the NEX cameras and Sony A700, like ISO and resolution comps etc. just to see what the differences are.  I’m starting to work on that stuff right now, and should have a review page up in a few days.