The brand new Sony DT 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 SAM review is complete. I compared it to the soon-to-be-obsolete Sony DT 18-70mm F/3.5-5.6. The new lens is better in just about every category, especially color fringing, wide-angle corner sharpness and full zoom center sharpness. Also, I compared the long end of each lens, and found a little surprise, you’re really not losing any focal length! See the bonus section of the review for sample crops. The reproduction size is quite impressive, and produced the best shot I’ve seen yet with a non-macro lens from Sony. I’d say it could easily go head to head with the latest kit lenses from Canon and Nikon, optically speaking, which brings me to the touchy subject of the SAM, or “smooth autofocus motor” that Sony has been bragging about. Claims of “smooth and silent” seem to be misleading to say the least. This in-lens focus motor system is far inferior to the ultrasonic and silent-wave type systems used by Canon and Nikon. I checked it with the new Sony DT 50mm F/1.8 SAM, it appears to have the same characteristics, so I probably didn’t get a bad copy. Go to the bottom of the review and read the conclusion for my opinion of the Sony SAM.