July 14 2008 - Photo Jottings

July 14 2008


By golly I’ve finally found a useful breakfast cereal toy.  To the left is the super secret Indiana Jones adventure spoon, collect all three!  This little child choker has a red LED between the tip of the shaft and the base of the spoon and has a non-replaceable battery, which is too bad.  Take the spoon section off and turn it into a very useful light for your nighttime outdoor photo sessions.  It puts out just enough light for seeing your camera/whatever buttons or reading instructions.  Look for this item in select Kellogg’s cereal boxes.  I got mine from Mini-Wheats.

Other news items: I sent my Panasonic FX100 pocket camera to the factory for warranty repairs concerning dust on the back of the lens, and possible dirt on the sensor.  Some people think you can’t get dirt inside a fixed lens camera—but that’s wrong.  Go here for examples.  I have several hundred miles of hiking with the camera in my front pants pocket, and the lens does extend out so there is an entry point for dust.  Panasonic was pretty good about the repairs (no charge) and had it done in a week or so.  I had to pay postage to their repair facility, and they paid for the return.  That’s fairly common though so no big deal.  I think it cost $5 to send it.  It looks like it’s all nice and clean now.

Also, check out the new State of Arizona 2008 Quarter.  I posted a picture on the same page as the dirt on the sensor link.  The design is nice, but maybe a bit too busy for the limited space. If you saw something on this page recently and it’s gone, go to the Home Page Archives and look.  I’ve sent the months of April and May there to lighten the load on the Home page.

I’ve updated the Used lenses price guide.  I’ll be doing it about once a week instead of monthly.
