April 11 2011 - Photo Jottings

April 11 2011


Just a few updates on what’s going on this week; the Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 OS lens review should be ready in a day or two, no QC problems with this one, but there’s always something with Sigma right!

I’m nearly done with the comp of all the 70-200mm lenses, so I’ll post it this week too, it’ll be quite interesting. I have a Hoya IR filter that I’ve been checking out, so look for a short review soon.

Also, thanks to all the people that wrote me about the A700 mirror retainer.  I checked with Sony, and they’re out of stock, and it seems it may be a long time before they become available again, if ever.  There’s always scotch tape, (and btw, it works)!