Welcome to my new site! - Photo Jottings

Welcome to my new site!

Welcome to Photo Jottings 2.0, a new and improved version of the old Photo Jottings!

A couple of years ago when I first started this site, I didn’t know quite what to do as far as where to put things, and how to format the product reviews and everything else; as a result I never really felt comfortable with it, and kept going back to the old site, only to eventually abandoned the site.  Things have changed now, I’m very committed to Photo Jottings, and do not plan on posting anymore reviews at the old site.  As of this post, there isn’t much to look at, although I did manage to come up with a new flash review, a Sony lens review, and a a couple of what I call ‘Kodak Moments’ posts that highlight a film image from the family files.  These are meant as quick filler material in between useful reviews.  I still need a broader variety of posts to fill out the categories properly, and add new ones, that will come in time.  Right now everything is labeled either a lens review of just photography.  Hopefully I can post a decent article about once a week, with a goal of two a week as I get rolling and decide on a definite format for the product reviews, and start receiving products to review again!

Photo Jottings uses the WordPress Sahifa theme; I like it, it doesn’t have a typical blog style homepage.  I think it will work great as it shows the seven most recent posts above the fold along with a featured image, however, it won’t be too good for reporting on all the latest news and events, but then again,  I don’t plan on doing that here at Photo Jottings, it’s going to be more about observations in the world of photography, product reviews and comparisons, and eventually photography tutorials, such as how to photograph interiors for Real Estate, custom builders, and interior design portfolios to name a few.  Also, look for articles about how to create a single huge image by stitching multiple images together on the computer using Photoshop or free online software.  Also, there will be plenty of articles on correctly shooting and scanning different sizes of film, like 35mm, 120, and 4×5″ etc.  I’ve been shooting film for almost 40 years, and continue to do so today on a regular basis.  I’ve also been scanning film for over 10 years.  Do you think a cheap film camera can’t resolve as much as your 36mp full frame sensor, think again.

I’d like to thank all the people that are regulars on kurtmunger.com, I hope you’ll bookmark this site, and become a regular visitor.  I’d also like to thank Zach for putting the site together and making it look and work as I hoped it would, I’m too dumb to do it, and don’t have the patience it takes.  Also, thanks to Duncan from parts unknown who figured out a way to transfer all the reviews from the old site to this site, but in the end I wasn’t able to decide on a way to visually integrate the material, along with some concerns about compatibility.  In the end, I guess I thought why bother with moving all the old and mostly outdated material to a new site?  It’s time for new material with a better presentation.

As I said in the ‘about’ page, the best way to contact me is through the comments at the bottom of the post, I get notifications when anyone makes a comment, even if it’s on an old post.  I don’t know if the ‘discus’ comment system is working properly, I guess we’ll see in the next few days or so, and if not, I’ll get if fixed as fast as I can.  I think it should work the way the old one did, if you’re signed in with Google or Facebook etc, you can leave a comment without signing in to the site.  Unfortunately, all the old comments for the first version of photo jottings did not convey, they’re still in my account, but not visible when moving the old post over, like the two oldest posts here.  I kept those two posts as I had links from kurtmunger.com to them.

So check out the few (not necessarily useful) articles I’ve posted, and let me know what your thoughts are, especially the Sony 24-70mm review; the only way I can improve my posts is if you tell me what you like, and what you think is not useful!  Don’t forget, the only income for the site comes from the links to B&H photo, when you buy your goodies through one of my links, no matter what it is, I get a small portion of the sale, and it doesn’t cost you one extra penny.  Thanks!! Kurt.