November 30 2009 - Photo Jottings

November 30 2009


The Sony 16mm F/2.8 fish-eye lens review is done.  I initially thought the lens was kind of boring, but I found a way to use it that suits me.  This lens is meant for fun, and shouldn’t be used by annoying prudish people that worry about optically perfect lenses and adherence to conventional photography.   During my few weeks of use, I’ve found there are a couple of points to ponder when using this lens.  First, Don’t bother using it on an APS-C camera, most of the area covered and distortive effects are severely diminished, see review for more info; also, this 16mm fish-eye covers much more area than a standard 16mm lens, see the comparison shots at the bottom of the review.

I used the A900 for the review because this fish-eye only makes sense with full frame coverage, although I did include a comparison shot with the A700.  I’m also displaying some full, resized sample shots, just to give you some ideas for use, hope they help. 

click for review