New pages for Color and B&W film. - Photo Jottings

New pages for Color and B&W film.

I’ve completed the film buying resource pages, and have included all 110, 35mm, 120 roll film and sheet film.  There are over 123 B&W film types and sizes, and over 50 color types and sizes listed.  Everything here is fresh from the manufacturer, there is no outdated or re-spooled stuff.   Color page, and B&W page.

The most popular brand in B&W is Illford, especially when it comes to sheet film.  Kodak has a nice selection of color sheet film, and did you know you can still buy fresh 11×14″ Portra 160 film; it’s expensive though!

At the moment, Fuji is the only one selling traditional color reversal film, not counting Rollei’s odd CR200 or Crossbird emulsion, and Lomography’s awful 110 Peacock film, see sample here.

Anyhow, I think I have most films listed that are carried by one of the stores in the links.   Let me know if I’ve missed anything.