May 4 2008 - Photo Jottings

May 4 2008


Sony users read up: The Sony 70-200mm G F/2.8 that you’ve been wanting for so long but couldn’t afford because it was way too expensive has now been officially lowered–again.  The original MSRP was $2399, then less than a year ago it was lowered to $1999.  Now the new MSRP is $1799.  Check out the website and order one.  I guess Sony saw my rant last year and decided to adjust the price accordingly.  It’s obvious they were having trouble selling them, otherwise you don’t lower the price.  They still need to work on the 300mm F/2.8.  If Sony plans to enter the high-end
full frame market by the end of the year like they say they are, they’re going to have to try to price match Canon and Nikon.  So far, the Sony camera bodies are competitive in my opinion.
