May 18 2008 - Photo Jottings

May 18 2008


Here’s the first of several new/old lens reviews coming in the next couple of weeks.  We’ll start it off with the little Minolta 24mm F/2.8 wide angle lens.  This lens turned in a very good performance.  It has the same basics characteristics as the Minolta 28mm F/2.8, though the 24mm is a little sharper at F/2.8 and F/4.  It has low distortion, low CA and currently, a low eBay price. The corners are soft at F/2.8, but that’s not really an issue, see review.  With the pending full frame body from Sony–read prices going up–this might be a good chance to get one with a low price.  It has an equivalent focal length of 36mm on an APS-C sensor, which makes it a nice walk around lens.  I used a lens like this exclusively for several years on my Canon A-1 in the 1980s.

Prices are now around $150-229.  My copy is near flawless, with the original caps and hood.

Another conundrum: It looks like I’ll have to switch the review order again. Next up may be the Sony 70-200mm F/2.8 as I’m having trouble with the Sony 16-105mm.

Click for Minolta 24mm F/2.8 lens review