March 21 2011 - Photo Jottings

March 21 2011


Noticed; the 10mp Sony A230 with 18-55mm kit lens, $349.99 brand new!  Or a used one for $269!  This inexpensive DSLR would be a nice transition from a pocket camera, or cost effective backup for part time photographers. If you’re on a budget, (and who isn’t now days) don’t worry about getting the latest camera with all the tricks.  If you can’t take good pictures with a DSLR starter model, it’s not the camera’s fault, it’s a lack of preparation, creativity and knowledge by the operator!

Are you looking at moving up to a DLSR, if so, don’t be concerned about megapixels and noise reduction; work on light and composition first.  Why would part time pros, like weekend Real estate and wedding photographers want a starter camera as a backup?  Part time photographers probably can’t justify an expensive camera as a backup, or an expensive primary in many cases.  Ten megapixels is plenty of resolution for almost all work, including magazine cover shots.  How do I know that you ask?  I used a 10mp Sony A100 when I first started in Real Estate photography, and made a couple of magazine covers for local homes magazines.  I even cropped one image in half (cover required a vertical, and the original was a horizontal–not my fault in this case, fickle agents and editors) and it still looked sharp with a final print size of 8.5×10″ (216-254mm)!  Of course you have to make sure your focus is right on, with a reasonably sharp lens setting, like F/5.6-8 etc.

I currently use a Sony A580 as a backup, and like it a lot, although the screen contrast and white balance is not as accurate as on a pro body, like the Sony A700 or A850/900.