March 18 2013 - Photo Jottings

March 18 2013


New review items.

The Sony SELP1650 16-50mm powerzoom is now available without having to buy a NEX camera, however, if you buy a NEX-3N for $499, you can take the lens off and probably sell the camera for $200-$300, making the lens more affordable.  Is it really worth $348?  I’ll let you know my thoughts when the review is ready in a couple of weeks.  I’ve been using it quite a bit lately, and so far so good, but I’m thinking the powerzoom feature is of dubious value.   The image below shows the 16-50mm PZ along side the 16mm pancake; I don’t see much size difference when the 16-50mm is retracted, however the camera/lens combo still isn’t small enough to stick in your pocket any more than the spectacular Canon G1X ($599 when added to cart!!).

Speaking of powerzoom lenses in the mid $300 range, I’m also playing around with the Panasonic Vario X 45-175 PZ, an internal powerzoom that’s very small, but has a nice range of 90-350mm in 135 film format.  Look for the review in April.

It looks like May will be the earliest I can get my hands on the new lenses from Sony, like the CZ 50/1.4, NEX 20/2.8, and the FF Sigma 35/1.4, so I expect field corn will be knee high (southern MI) before those reviews are posted.
Size comparison, Sony NEX 16/2.8 pancake on left, Sony NEX 16-50mm PZ on right.