March 11 2013 - Photo Jottings

March 11 2013


Sony sale items, new NEX-3N at bottom scheduled for 3/20 ship. 

 Sony A65.  Body only $698. A better deal than the A58 below in my opinion. or $ $798 with 18-55mm kit lens, for extra money get the much better 16-50mm F/2.8 SSM.  Plus 2% rewards.

Sony A77.   $1098, body only, or $1698 with 16-50mm F/2.8 SSM lens.  Plus 2% rewards

Sony A57. $498 body only.  Plus 2% rewards.

A58.   $598 with 18-55mm lens.

Sony 16-50mm F/3.5-5.6 power zoom lens now in stock.  I’ll be reviewing this lens soon.

NEX-3N.  $498 with 16-50mm lens.  White-silver or black.  The lens sells for $348 alone, (one above), so that’s $150 for the camera!