July 31 2007 - Photo Jottings

July 31 2007


Well, those of you waiting for the Sigma 18-50mm F/2.8 review will be disappointed.  That lens turned out to be a disaster.  I messed with it for a week and finally sent it back under warranty.  I can only hope they say it’s defective, if they say it’s normal and indicative of the product, it’ll be the absolute worst lens I’ve ever seen.  The problem is extremely soft left side results at all but F/16.  But why would I buy an F/2.8 lens if I have to use F/11-F/16.  You should see the full frame results at 50mm and F/2.8—unbelievably horrible! You’d be better off with a Coke bottle.  But lets wait and see, maybe Sigma will send me a new one or fix it and everything will be OK.

On to some good news, I’ve got the little Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX100 in my hands and will start a pre-review page within a couple of days.  I like the pre-review idea because I can build the review while reporting what I find immediately, rather than waiting a month or so.  People who are interested in buying one can find out quicker what’s good and what’s not so good.