July 18 2008 - Photo Jottings

July 18 2008


I did a photo shoot in the local mountaintop community of Summerhaven this week, and took quite an assortment of lenses, then went on a nice hike. If Summerhaven sounds familiar, it’s because it made world headlines in 2003 by being incinerated by a couple of hippie hikers tossing a cigarette along the trail.  The whole town burned to the ground.  The picture to the right is the new MT Lemmon Community Center, located on the main drag in Summerhaven.  I have a boat-load of pictures, but I haven’t had the time to go through them yet.
If any of you are looking to buy a used Sony 300mm F/2.8, you can get a great bargain here.  Adorama has this item, and it’s been for sale quite a while.  I think they originally offered it at $5299, but I’m not sure.  It’s now at $4999.  That’s a grand off the retail price.  Also, I see Sony lenses have finally permeated the market enough so that used prices are starting to come down, things are settling down now and that’s good.
I have a lot of things planned for August, such as more lens reviews and a mild makeover of this site.  It won’t be anything crazy, just a different color or two and a new home page header picture, plus I may be going to the name kurtmunger.com instead of newcamerareview.com because I’m not reviewing very many cameras and it’s a little misleading.
As I said above, I’m going to review more lenses soon, but there’ll be a little bonus.  Many readers ask for comparisons of Sony to other lenses from different companies, such as Nikon and Canon, well folks, I’m going to give it to you!  I’ll start off with the kit lenses, from Sony, Nikon and Canon and how they compare, then work my way through all the lenses I can rent.  It won’t be cheap, so I’m going to have to put up a Paypal link (soon) to take some donations.  Hopefully, if I’ve helped you save money or you just enjoy reading my reviews, you’ll consider dropping me a few bucks.