February 28 2011 - Photo Jottings

February 28 2011


Last week I used the A580 for a couple of outdoor (curbside cover-type images) real estate jobs and noticed the nice processing of HDR with ghosting artifacts removal, like tree branches moving around from shot-to-shot.  I might work up a page showing the differences in processing between sony and Photomatix pro 4.0.  For some shots I used HDR 3.0ev, and was surprised at the well-balanced outcome.

The Reader’s Digest page will not be updated much, if at all in the near future.  It takes just a little too much time to go through and post the responses, while I have a huge amount of new stuff I’m working on to help people with their photography, so I think that’s a better use of my limited time.

I added the Sony Carl Zeiss 16-80mm to the recommended gear page, I use that lens for outdoor real estate shots (as mentioned above), because of the high quality optics, and great zoom range.
I might soon add a few memory cards to the list as I bought two Sony MemoryStick pro HG duo HX (now $50) recently for use in the A900/A700/A580, and find they work great.