I went to this event on January 16th, 2009 in Tucson, AZ, and used the Sony A900 with Sony 24-105mm F/3.5-4.5 lens. All images are direct from the camera, though some have been cropped.
GO FAST Sports is promoting their new sports drink, and secretly call it “GO FAST” sports drink! The color theme is red and black, you’ll see nothing but these colors in the nine images below.

The guy wearing the red suit is the pilot, Eric Scott. He also drives the truck and trailer, and does most of the Jet Pack maintenance, kinda reminds me of Big Daddy Garlits back in the day. In the background is the “GOFAST chopper” built by Orange County Choppers, 12/06, according to the ID tag.

In this scene, we’re getting ready to watch the take off.

The pilot cracks the throttle, and the rocket fires. This thing is really loud, especially when overhead.

Off he goes, with a maximum flight time of 33 seconds.

You get a good view of the Jet Pack in this shot.

Looks like Eric is just hanging in the air, and I guess he really is.

The flight is over, and no injuries. Eric told me he wrecked this thing one time, and was in rehab for a year. He thought about quitting, but chimed in, where else would I get to do this, and be paid? He said he’s been doing it for 16 years, and is the most experienced Jet Pack pilot in the world. He broke a world record by flying over the Royal Gorge canyon.

Here’s your host with the Jet Pilot extraordinare. I must blink too much because it seems my eyes are shut every time I get my picture taken. If you ever get a chance to see this event, by all means, check it out! For more info, go to the official event website, now gone.