December 17 2009 - Photo Jottings

December 17 2009


The new Sony 28-75mm F/2.8 SAM turned in a good review, check it out if you like.  I’m unable at this point to determine whether or not it’s the same as the Konica Minolta or Tamron models, but I’ll be finding out soon, so hold off buying this lens until I do check out those less-expensive models.  The Sony looks and acts similar, but I’m thinking Sony may have tweaked this lens a little (in regards to sharpness), that’s off the cuff for now though.
If you’ve emailed me recently and expected a reply, but didn’t get one, please try again, as I’ve had some problems with my system for the last week.  I always try to respond to mail, unless it’s hate mail, and fortunately I don’t get much of that!