December 11 2009 - Photo Jottings

December 11 2009


Sony 28-75mm F/2.8 SAM first thoughts: I’ve completed the APS-C review shots, and I’m just now starting on full frame shots.  I notice this lens is very similar to the Konica Minolta AF 28-75mm F/2.8 lens I reviewed a couple of years ago.  I think Tamron built that one, and this new one too.  The Sony performs pretty good on an APS-C camera, with somewhat strong corner softness at the wide end, though it looks good by F/5.6.
Someone wrote me and said they had a Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 model they would loan me (resolved), and I told them I wasn’t quite ready for it until January or so, but I’d like to check it out anytime now.  I forgot the person’s name, so if you have one you’d like to loan me to do a comparison review, let me know.  It’s a good way to share knowledge and help people make a better purchasing decision, and it also helps support this site.