Photography Archives - Photo Jottings


Randy Houser BTS ‘we went’ pictures

So I spent the day hiking in the nearby mountains; and got in a little picture taking along the way.  I usually take along a folding 120 camera, this time it was the Ziess Ikon Ikonta, a cheap 6x6 that my dad bought brand new in 1953.  I'm driving down the mountain heading home when I see all these cars and huge buses parked at a pull out called windy point.  It's here I usually stop and take some late afternoon and sunset pictures before it gets dark, and where this comparison was made.  This time it's definitely packed with cars and people, plus some portable generators running and what sounds like some huge speakers blasting music on the west edge of the cliff.

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News and updates

Coming up next month will be a review of the Rokinon 12mm F/2 lens.  I’ve been trying to use it when I get a spare moment, and have a couple of pics for you below.  I like it so far, it’s sharp wide open.  I plan to do some milky way type shots with it soon.  BTW; the featured image …

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Welcome to my new site!

Welcome to Photo Jottings 2.0, a new and improved version of the old Photo Jottings!

A couple of years ago when I first started this site, I didn’t know quite what to do as far as where to put things, and how to format the product reviews and everything else; as a result I never really felt comfortable with it, …

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