August 13 2010 - Photo Jottings

August 13 2010


The NEX camera review page is up and running.  I’ll be adding to it over the next couple of weeks, so check back every few days for new information. So far I’ve done some comparisons between the NEX-5 and A700, like ISO and kit lens sharpness differences, and checking out the differences in general image quality.  Based on my somewhat extensive use and testing, I think the NEX is superior, and yes I know there is a difference of 2mp, but the NEX sensor and processor is better in my opinion.  I don’t think the Sony 12.2mp sensor has much more resolution, (if any) than the old 10.2mp sensor in the A100, so I’m thinking you’re really getting an additional 4mp in the new NEX system when compared to the 12.2 sensor.

I should have the NEX 18-55mm lens review ready next week sometime, followed by the NEX 16mm pancake.